duminică, 26 aprilie 2015

Casino of Vatra Dornei

The casino is a building built in the 1896-1898 period version Worcester City (learn today Suceava version).

The building, called Casino Central Pavilion Bath a fulfilled over time for several functions: gambling hall , concert hall and performances and club workers. The building is located in the state of ruin version.
Approval to build a casino in Vatra Dornei was granted after the intervention mayor Vasile Deac (1875-1902) to Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria. During the audience, the mayor convinced the monarch of the need to build a casino for tourists coming to the bathrooms.
The land on which the building was built and is under common ownership was covered by forests, which have been cleared. Part of the money for the construction of the casino were gathered through public takings, who helped himself to Emperor Franz Joseph, and another part was borrowed by a Viennese bank. The project was developed by the Viennese architect Peter Paul Brang, and work began in 1896 and ended in 1898. The casino building opened officially on July 10, 1899.

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